Calabria, Italy and its Genealogy, History, Culture and Language

Calabria (e Calabrisi)

A look at Calabria and her people.



Ti guardu e mi pari ‘na magìa
‘na fata nda nu lettu ‘ddormentata
u mari chi ti faci cumpagnia
e l’unda chi ti canta a serenata.

Ogni matina quandu spunt’o suli
u jornu ti rregala ‘nu sorrisu
e tu ti vesti di li to’ culuri
mustrand’o mundu un pezz’i paradisu.

Fu Diu chi criàu ‘sta bellizza
però...comu nde favol’i ‘na vota
non cunsideràu la rricchizza
Ti fici bella, si, senza dota.

E criscisti cusì, comu ‘na mamma
c’a famigghjia non poti ‘mmantanìri,
fu chista l’ingiustizia, chist’u dramma,
vidìri i figghji chi si ndann’a jiri...
ma pe bisognu, pe necessità ..
non certu pe causa d’amuri
u sannu tutti chi chist’è a verità
e chi ndi causàu ‘stu duluri.. potissi vidìri nda ‘sta piazza
quantu genti vinni mi ti onora
si potissi ‘llargàri li to’ brazza
mi stringi a chiddhi chi non tornar’ancora..
vidìvi... quant’amuri ‘ntorn’a ttia..
‘Nc’è puru chiddhu chi si virgognava..
ora si guarìu da malatìa..
cu sapi di quantu tempu non tornava.

È veru, certuni finìru a mala strata,
ma la cchiù parti torna vittoriosa;
dormi tranquilla ndo to’ lett’i fata..
di chista genti po’ esseri..orgogliosa.
I look at you and it seems like magic to me
a fairy sleeping in a bed
the sea that keeps you company
and the wave that serenades

Every morning when the sun appears
the day gives you a smile
and you dress with your colors
looking like a piece of heaven

It was God that created this beauty
however... as in the fables of once
you didn't consider wealth
You were made beautiful, yes, ...but without dowry

And you have grown so, as a mother
what the family cannot maintain,
it was this injustice, this drama
to see the children forced to go
but for need, for necessity...
certainly not for lack of love
they know which is the truth
and who has caused to you this pain...

But... if you could see in this square
how many people have come to honor you
if you could extend your arms
to discolor those who have not returned yet...
you would see... much love around you...
there is also he who was ashamed...
now he is recovered from the illness...
who knows for how long they didn't return.

It is true some of them have taken a bad road,
but the greatest part returns victorious;
you sleep calm in your bed of fairy...
of these people you can be proud.