Castelsilano (KR) Birth Index (1866 - 1900) Search our Castelsilano (KR) Birth Index (1866 - 1900) collection. About this collection: The records from 1866 to 1900 were extracted from the brth record index of the town of Casino (now known as Castelsilano) by ICC member Patricia Llonch (#1376LM) and is made searchable and available here with permission. Please note: If anyone wishes to provide data for years not currently covered by this database, or if you wish to submit corrections, then please contact us. Search Births from Casino / Castelsilano (1866 - 1900) Please enter at least one name and click Search. To restrict the number of records, try filling in other available fields to get a more specific match. Partial names may be entered. Child Given Name Child Surname Child Year of Birth