Photographs and information regarding the town of Santa Severina (KR).
Santa Severina
Here is the Castle from the orange groves below in Santa Severina. Continue on this road to Petilia Policastro, Altilia and Roccabernarda. Santa Severina
was the home town of Pope Zachary (of Pepin fame) and also the seat of the Byzantine Church in Southern Italy.
Photo courtesy of Tom Lucente
A Weaver
Here is a picture of a woman in Santa Severina (then Catanzaro, now Kroton) weaving a blanket. The homecrafts of the Calabrese women are
world renowned. On this day, I found young Armenian women working on these looms learning the age old crafts of Calabria.
Photo courtesy of Tom Lucente
The Church of Santa Filomena
The 8th century church, originally Byzantine, contains the vat from which Santa
Filomena saved a drowning child. The Biafora family of Santa Severina hold the key to his chapel.